Chris Eastland
About me
Hello, I am one of the Managers of C.M.Productions. I made the first ever C.M.Produtions game, but it does not live up to the C.M.Productions high level of classyness, so it is not featured on the web.
C.M.Produtions is a games production company that my cousin and I set up a while back. We have written loads of games and set up our OWN web page where you can download some of our games.
I enjoy electronics and I am a member of the British Ametuer Electronics Club. I have made lots of things, and I am quite good. I am interested in flying model areoplanes and rockets, I am a member of the British Model Flying Assosiation.
If they are reading this, I would like to say hello to all my mates in Crowborough who I have not seen in ages.
E-Mail me on
Last revised: November 03, 1999.